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How do I get started?Updated a year ago

You're getting ready to order your first bag of vegan dog food, and you're excited, but maybe a little nervous to make the switch. You might ask yourself, "Will the transition be difficult? Will my dog be missing any nutrients?: We've broken it down in the simplest way possible so you can feel confident about your dog's new diet.

As long as you choose a formula that is nutritionally complete and balanced like v-dog, your pup will receive all the nutrients they need in their diet. Look for a food that meets AAFCO guidelines, which ensures that the formula has been third-party tested for nutritional content.

Transitioning your dog to a vegan food is just like transitioning to any other new food. A period of 5-10 days is generally a good transition period, starting with a third of the new food to two-thirds old good and gradually increasing to 100% new food. It's that easy!

Once your pip is fully transitioned, you should expect normal, healthy digestion. Then you can decide if you want v-dog delivered right to your door with a customizable subscription (and a recurring order discount) so you never forget to restock your pup's kibble.

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