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How do I cancel or edit my subscription?Updated a year ago

We've made it easy for you to cancel or edit your subscription. Simply log in to your account here, and click on the "Manage Subscriptions" button. Once there, you can make changes to the products, order frequency, and next shipping date for your subscription order. (There are no fees to edit or cancel your subscription.)

Unfortunately, we aren't able to guarantee cancellations the day of order processing because of our optimized fulfillment and quick shipping. Please be sure to edit/cancel your subscription order at least 3 days before its scheduled ship date to guarantee our system can process that update. We'll send you a reminder email in case you forget as well. Thanks for your understanding!

If you're not seeing the reminder emails in your inbox, we highly recommend adding [email protected] to your contacts list to ensure they're not getting filtered as spam. Some email servers have pretty aggressive spam filtering, so we've found that adding that email helps a lot. 

If you have additional questions about your subscription, please email us at [email protected]. 

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